Hello all, hope that you are all well and enjoying knowing knowledge about tech. In my last post I shared some knowledge about the basic computer and its architecture. If you are interested about the basic computer architecture, you can check the post Know about the computer.
Today we’ll discuss some topics related to computer memory devices in this post.
Know about the computer: Basic memory devices
The memory of a computer is made through cell or shell which are situated by line. In every cell there are flip flops situated. Generally in a row of flip flop there are eight flip-flop stays. These eight flip flop is called the eight bit. This 8 bit is also called 1 byte.
The operation of saving data in memory is called write. And the operation of taking data from the memory is called read. Primarily these operations are divided into two categories. They are:
- Randome Access Memory (RAM)
- Read Only Memory (ROM)
Lets have a basic discussion on this two types of system
Randome Access Memory
When we give data in the input system in a computer, then the data remains floating in the RAM. Also when we run any types of program or load any types of data file, then that information of data also stays in RAM. In RAM there are so many small number of fixed places, and every place has different address. According to the given command the computer searched that address to get the desire data for the operation. If we off the power supply then the the memory stored in the RAM goes delete and then prepare for accepting the new data.
Read Only Memory (ROM)
ROM is a part of the memory of a computer. The interesting thing is that you can only read the data from this ROM. If power supply of a computer goes off, then there is no problem of the ROM as the data remains same. From this ROM computer takes primary command and data. More cleary we can say, when a computer is powered, then the computer don’t know what to do. If you give give command from the keyboard then the computer won’t accept the command. Because the computer don’t know what to do with this keyboard and what to do with this command. So, computer must have some command which will active as soon as the powered to the computer. And these commands are kept on the ROM. When we give power to the computer, then the computer get the instruction from the command which are saved in the ROM. Just like selecting the installed operating system in which drive.
Disk drive of a computer
In computer there are mainly two types of disk drive. One is floppy disk drive and the another is hard disk drive. If we want to give the definition of disk drive then we can tell that, the part of the system which is selected for the connection with the floppy disk or hard disk is called the disk drive. The disk drive of a computer is marked by english alphabet, like C,D, E, F etc. If there is floppy disk in the computer then generally it is marked by letter A. , if there is two floppy disk then it is marked by A, B serially.
Floppy disk:
In this section we’ll have a small discussion on floppy disk. The floppy disk is 1st introduced by the IBM company on 1973. Floppy disk is also named as diskette. In a floppy disk there is magnet which is situated on the plastic. It is somewhat looking like the old record-player. But it is not so big in size, it is small in size and not so much hardy. For keeping away from the dust it is kept on a small jacket. The disk can have the data in both side of the disk. Almost all the floppy disk has 48 tracks, some disk has 96 tracks. Here is a chart through which you’ll know the disk size and the data starage capacity.
Size of floppy disk | Storage capacity | |
3.5″ | 720 Kilo Byte | |
3.5″ high density | 1.44 Mega Byte | |
5.25″ double density | 360 Kilo byte | |
5.25″ high density | 1.12 Mega Byte | |
Before start keeping data, one should format the disk drive.
Hard Disk
Hard disk is made with hardy metal element in the body of the hard disk. There is a circular disk in which the magnetic element stays. The storage capacity of a hard disk is more than the floppy disk. You can’t open the hard disk to save the data in it as you can do this work in floppy disk. Like floppy disk you need to make the format it at the time of first usage.
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