Hi friends!! Today well learn something about the monitor network of ARP, DNS and TCP process with the help of HTTP. Al the task we’ll do using the cisco packet tracer. It is recommended to use latest version of cisco packet tracer. If you don’t have the latest version of cisco packet tracer, then download it from this whilenetworking.com . We will analyze a topology which has:
1 PC
2 Routers
1 Server
The screenshot of this topology is given below.
From the topology you can see that, there is a PC which is connected with a Router which is indicated as Router_B. Router_B is connected with Router_A. Finally Router_A is connected with a Server. So this is our topology. We’ll monitor network for ARP, DNS and TCP of this network. St first we need to implement IP address of each of the devices. So lets do that:
For PC you can implement following IP address:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DNS server:
For Server you can implement the following IP address:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Default gateway:
DNS Server: (Left blank)
For Router_A FastEthernet0/0 interface you can implement the following IP address:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
For serial0/0/0 interface you can implement the following IP address:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Now come to the Router_B:
Interface FastEthernet0/0
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Interface Serial0/0/0
IP address:
Subnet mask:
So it can say that, you have implemented IP address successfully. Also you need to configure DNS service. Just configure DNS service like the image. As we’ve implemented DNS address IP as . We can have a try to browser from a PC by using the IP address. To browser, just open the browser of the PC and then in the address bar write Then click go button, a webpage will display if all the configuration is good. As we are in realtime mode, we can just the packet travelling success result. If we can go to simulation mode of the packet tracer, we can be able to see the packet travelling and then we can be able to monitor the network.
Network monitor
So lets switch to simulation mode. In the simulation mode, we’ll monitor network through only HTTP. So click the edit filter. And after that select only HTTP. Now go to the PC and open browser in the logical work place of cisco packet tracer. In the address bar write the IP address: . Now in the event window, click Auto Capture / Play top monitor network HTTP service. After the end of this, again click the edit filter and then active the DNS, HTTP, ARP, RIP and UDP process. This is done because we want to monitor network for more services and realistic view.
Now go to the PC and open the browser. Type the URL : eagle-server.example.com. Now click the go button. Now analyze the services appear in the event window. You can also see the detail of any services by clicking the color square ox which remains by the side of each service.
You can download the Packet tracer file used here. It may be helpful for you. I’ve uploaded it to google drive. You can download it from here:
Packet tracer file of Monitor network for ARP, DNS and TCP process with the help of HTTP
So through this we can monitor network for different services. Hope that you got some information from this post. Also if you have any kinds of opinion or questions, then please feel free to comment.
Thanks you for reading this post. Keep visiting and sharing your knowledge. 🙂
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