So you know that, there are different types of packages for different purpose. So, lets learn about then in this small post:
Linux packages
¢0. CentOS 7
¢1. Proxy Server: squid
¢2. DNS Server: BIND
¢3. Mail Server: postfix/ sendmail (SMTP), dovecot (POP3/ IMAP), squirrelmail (Web User Interface)
¢4. Web Server: Apache (httpd– PHP)/ Tomcat-JSP/Glassfish-JSP etc.
¢5. SSH Server: sshd, ssh-server
¢6. Database Server: MySql, Oracle
¢7. telnet/ Firewall- iptables (firewalld)
¢8. FTP- Samba/ vsftpd /SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
¢9. yum – yellow update manager (package/ software manager)
¢10. wine – to run .exe in unix/ linux
¢11. .tar- tape archive/ centos package distribution (.gz – compression)
In Linux for different types of works there are different types of packeges. You just need to download the packages and and configure. For example, you may need to configure the proxy server, so you just need to set up proxy server in Linux, so you need to install squid software. If you have active internet connection, then you can easily get this software, as it is free of charge. So we can say that, in this case, this linux package is helpful.
So, like this to configure the mail server you need postfix/ sendmail (SMTP), dovecot (POP3/ IMAP), squirrelmail (Web User Interface). This three types of software is necessay to configure the mail server, because all these three software has different purpose. If you want to know more about mail server you can check this post: Basic discussion of linux mail server . And like this, to configure file transfer protocol for the purpose of transferring the files you, just need the Samba or vsftpd software linux packages. If you want to know Linux samba server of FTP system, you can check this Configuring Linux Samba Server .
To install any siftware, you just first need to check that, your yum is update or not. If yum is not update, just run the command yum update.
Hope that this post may be helpful for you. If you have any kinds of question or suggestion, please feel free to comment. Thank you and have a good day.
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