Configuring network manager in Linux (CentOS/Red Hat)
Sometimes you need to configure the network manager in CentOS/Red Hat by implementing manual IP. So we’ll see configuring network manager. Configuring network manager in Linux (CentOS/Red Hat) At first we need to see that, if there is proper network device is installed or not. We can check it through this way: So for […]
File and folder permission basic (Part 2)
File and folder permission basic (Part 2) Hi, hope that you are all well by the grace of almighty, me also fine. Today in this post we’ll see the file and folder permission basic. Actually in the Linux Operating system this is a good facility. You can just give file folder persimmion in the Linux […]
How to set file/folder permission in Linux (CentOS/Red Hat)
Hi there. Here I’ve come again to share with you something. Today I’m going to share with you something about the file and folder permission. Here I’ve provided screenshot of every steps. So lets start. How to set file and folder permission in Linux (CentOS/Red Hat) We’ll create two user, and at first we’ll log […]
Linux packages
So you know that, there are different types of packages for different purpose. So, lets learn about then in this small post: Linux packages ¢0. CentOS 7 ¢1. Proxy Server: squid ¢2. DNS Server: BIND ¢3. Mail Server: postfix/ sendmail (SMTP), dovecot (POP3/ IMAP), squirrelmail (Web User Interface) ¢4. Web Server: Apache (httpd– PHP)/ Tomcat-JSP/Glassfish-JSP […]
Basic discussion about mail server
We use mail for mainly communication purpose. Daily so many mails are sending and receiving by the users. Generally these are handled by email server. So, lets discuss something about the mail server. Basic discussion about mail server What is email? E-Mail generally stands for Electronic mail. It offers a fast, economical means of transferring […]
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