Cisco Certification Exam Discount Program
The netacad students who enroll some programs like Cisco CCNA composite, Cisco CCENT, ccna security etc. may qualify for the discount program provided by cisco. To get the cisco certification, the students need to follow some steps, also students may need to fulfill some conditions. Lets discuss something about them:
Cisco Packet Tracer 7 FAQ
Hello friends, hope that you are enjoying computernetworking with cisco packet tracer 7. Today I’m going to share with you some FAQ of this cisco packet tracer 7 which is marked as cisco packet tracer 7 FAQ. Cisco packet tracer 7 Faq What is cisco packet tracer? Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation […]
How to set up Proxy server in CentOS / Red Hat ?
Friends, in our previous post we’ve discussed some thing about the configuration of proxy server. In this post we’ll enjoy: How to set up Proxy server in CentOS / Red Hat ? Now lets see the steps clearly: At first we’ll clean all the data of “YUM”: [root@localhost ~]# yum clean all Then we […]
Configuring Proxy server in Linux (CentOS / Red Hat)
Hope that from the previous post, you’ve gain some basic knowledge about the proxy server. Now lets configure, the proxy server as web filter. Configuring Proxy server in Linux (CentOS / Red Hat) First, Update yum repositories and packages by typing the below command: [root@localhost ~]# yum update After that install squid proxy, which […]
Basic discussion of proxy server of Linux (CentOS / Red Hat)
Hope that you are enjoying Linux more and more and you are day by day your interest is growing up. Till now we’ve learn some topics, that means some basic topics if linux. Today we’ll learn about the server of Linux which can be used as proxy. So lets start. Basic discussion of proxy server […]
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