Without DNS, the Internet could not easily function in the user-friendly way that people are used to. DNS plays a crucial role in cybersecurity, as DNS servers are susceptible to being attacked and used as a common attack vector.
The Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report analysis of malware that had been validated as “known bad,” found that the majority, 91.3%, uses DNS to carry out the campaigns.
Malware uses DNS in the following three ways:
- To gain CnC
- To exfiltrate data
- To redirect the victim’s traffic
A good example of a DNS-based attack is DNSChanger, a Trojan that changes the DNS settings on the infected host. The DNSChanger Trojan replaces the name servers with their own in order to direct web and other requests from the infected host to a set of attacker-controlled servers that can intercept, inspect, and modify the infected host traffic. At its peak, the DNSChanger Trojan was estimated to have infected over 4 million computers.
Despite attackers’ reliance on DNS to propagate further malware campaigns, few companies are monitoring DNS for security purposes (or monitoring DNS at all). This lack of oversight makes DNS an ideal avenue for attackers. According to a recent survey that was conducted by Cisco, 68% of the security professionals report that their organizations do not monitor their DNS activities. One reason that organizations fail to monitor DNS, or simply do a poor job of it, is because the security teams and the DNS experts typically work in different IT groups within the company and therefore don’t have an opportunity to interact often.
Here is how DNS can be leveraged by the attackers to carry out their attacks:
DNS Open Resolvers
A DNS open resolver is a DNS server that allows DNS clients that are not part of its administrative domain to use that server to perform recursive name resolution. Essentially, a DNS open resolver provides responses (answers) to queries (questions) from anyone. Examples of a public DNS open resolver include GoogleDNS ( and Cisco OpenDNS ( and Cisco OpenDNS offers additional DNS-level security to prevent unsafe activities such as blocking traffic to known web sites with malware or botnets, or blocking traffic to phishing web sites.
DNS open resolvers are vulnerable to multiple malicious activities, including the following:
- DNS cache poisoning attacks
- DNS amplification and reflection attacks
- DNS resource utilization attacks
When a DNS resolver sends a query asking for information, an authoritative or a non-authoritative server may respond with a DNS query response message and the relevant RR data or an error. The RR contains a 32-bit TTL field that is used to inform the resolver how long the RR may be cached until the resolver needs to send a DNS query asking for the information again. This field can be used maliciously by setting the value for an RR to a short or long TTL value.
DNS cache poisoning: Occurs when an attacker sends falsified and usually spoofed RR information to a DNS resolver. Once the DNS resolver receives the falsified RR information, it is stored in the DNS cache for the lifetime (TTL) set in the RR. Attackers use this exploitation technique to redirect users from legitimate sites to malicious sites or to inform the DNS resolver to use a malicious name server that is providing RR information for malicious activities.
DNS uses transaction IDs to track queries and responses to queries. The DNS transaction ID is a 16-bit field in the header section of a DNS message. DNS implementations use the transaction ID along with the source port value to synchronize the responses to previously sent query messages. Flaws have been discovered in DNS where the implementations do not provide sufficient entropy in the randomization of DNS transaction IDs and the source port when issuing queries. Attackers analyze the transaction ID values and the source ports that are generated by the DNS implementation to create an algorithm that can be used to predict the next DNS transaction ID and source port that are used for a query message. If attackers are able to predict the next transaction ID used in the DNS query along with source port value, they can construct and send (spoof) DNS messages with the correct transaction ID. Even though the DNS message that was sent by the attacker is falsified, the DNS resolver accepts the query response because the transaction ID and source port values match the query that the resolver sent, resulting in the DNS resolver’s cache being poisoned.
DNS amplification and reflection attack: Uses DNS open resolvers to increase the volume of attacks and to hide the true source of an attack—actions that typically result in a DoS or DDoS attack. These attacks are possible because the open resolver will respond to queries from anyone asking a question. Attackers use these DNS open resolvers for malicious activities by sending DNS messages to the open resolvers using a forged source IP address that is the target for the attack. When the open resolvers receive the spoofed DNS query messages, they respond by sending DNS response messages to the target address. Attacks of these types use multiple DNS open resolvers so the effects on the target devices are magnified.
The Open Resolver Project reports that as of October 2013, 28 million open resolvers on the Internet pose a “significant threat.” Enterprises can reduce the chance of an attack that is launched by DNS amplification in several ways, including implementing the IETF’s best current practice to avoid being the source of DNS amplification attacks. This best current practice recommends that upstream providers of IP connectivity filter packets entering their networks from downstream customers, and to discard any packets that have a source address that is not allocated to that customer. Another mitigation technique is to configure the DNS servers to rate limit DNS queries.
DNS resource utilization attack: A DoS attack that consumes the resources on the DNS open resolvers. Examples of such resources include CPU, memory, and socket buffers. This DoS attack consumes all the available resources to negatively impact the operations of the DNS open resolver. The impact of this DoS attack may require the DNS open resolver to be rebooted or services to be stopped and restarted.
Countermeasures to attacks that are based on DNS open resolver include the following:
- DNS servers should be hardened to prevent attacks. For example, multiple vendors have products that implement the DNS protocol and that can be configured as a DNS open resolver intentionally or unintentionally. A configured open resolver that is exposed to the Internet allows anyone to send DNS queries to the resolver. Internal DNS server within an organization should be prevented from acting as a DNS open resolver.
- BIND is a software product of Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. BIND implements the DNS protocol. Microsoft Windows servers can also implement the DNS protocol. An organization using their own managed local DNS servers can help analysts capture and log the DNS data.
- Organizations can prevent the use of non-authorized DNS servers, and prevent users from doing DNS lookups through other non-locally managed DNS servers.
Fast Flux, Double IP Flux, and DGA
Security analysts should be aware of how DNS can be leveraged by the attackers to carry out their attacks, using techniques such as fast flux, double IP flux, and domain generation algorithms.
- Fast flux: Fast flux is a DNS technique that is used by attackers to hide their phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies. The basic idea behind fast flux is to have numerous IP addresses that are associated with a single fully qualified domain name, where the IP addresses are changed with extremely high frequency (usually anywhere from several seconds to a few minutes) by changing DNS A resource records. The TTL for any given particular DNS A resource record is also made very short. For example, the victims who are connecting to the same infected web site every minute may actually be connecting to a different infected server each time.Botnets are the networks of infected computers that are controlled by the attacker’s malicious software. Botnets use several mechanisms to communicate with central CnC servers such as DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, IRC, and so on. Botnets often employ the Fast Flux techniques. Fast Flux enables the botnet to utilize a shifting number of compromised hosts that are hidden behind a single, legitimate domain name.Botnets can also use one or more hard-coded domain names that resolve to many different IP addresses over a short span of time. This technique is also known as FFSN. Taking down malicious DNS records is often more difficult than compromised IP addresses, because many DNS records can be established for the same or many IP addresses.
In the example that is shown in the above figure, the same example.com hostname query is resolved to a different IP address each time, as the IP address of example.com changes rapidly. Since the IP addresses change rapidly, traditional blacklisting techniques that use IP addresses are ineffective. Fast flux effectively hides the malicious server from being detected and results in the defenders being unable to find a single point to focus their efforts.
- Double IP flux: Another multifaceted technique that is used by attackers is to rapidly change both the hostname to IP address mappings, and also the authoritative name server using the DNS name server resource records, which are known as a “double IP flux.” In the example that is shown in the above figure, ns.example.com is one of the authoritative name server used for the attacker’s domain, and the IP address of the ns.example.com server also changes rapidly. Double IP flux adds an extra layer to make it harder to determine the source of the attack.
- Domain generation algorithms: DGAs are seen in various families of malware that are used to periodically randomize the domain names. The random component in the domain name can be a random number or the current time, and combined with alphanumeric characters. The algorithm will generate a different domain name in every iteration. DGA domain names are typically generated by certain malware families to contact their CnC servers as a scheme against domain, or IP blocking, of the malware CnC, or to prevent the domains from being as easily identified as if they were hardcoded in the malware. In the example that is shown in the above figure, randomly generated subdomain names are used, and the query to those subdomain names results in the same IP address.The DGA technique was popularized by Conficker.a and Conficker.b malware, which generated 250 domain names per day. Starting with Conficker.c, the malware would generate 50,000 domain names per day.Botnets often use domain names that are generated using a DGA. This technique makes it more difficult for static reputation systems to maintain an accurate list of all possible CnC domains. Many cybercriminals will register only a few of the possible generated domains at any one time. Alternatively, malware can attempt to direct the botnet DNS traffic to the cybercriminal’s owned recursive DNS servers. Such botnets are able to resolve domain names to different IP addresses relative to the rest of the Internet. It also allows the botnet to resolve well-known domain names (for example, google.com) to botnet controllers.
Countermeasures to attack techniques using fast flux, double IP flux, and DGA include the following:
- Monitor the DNS log for suspicious activities such as DNS queries with long randomly generated domain names.
- Deploy a solution, such as Cisco OpenDNS, by pointing your DNS server to the OpenDNS. OpenDNS resolves and routes over 80 billion Internet requests daily, from 65 million active consumer and enterprise users across 160+ countries. This diverse data set reveals billions of combinations of domain names, origin, and destination IP addresses. These data that are collected by OpenDNS can be used to find where attacks are staged and launched and how widespread the attack is, and can even predict future threats. OpenDNS constantly observes new, unusual DNS request patterns, atypical domain names, and suspicious DNS records or BGP route changes. OpenDNS uses machine learning to identify malware, botnets, phishing, and advanced threats based on real-time and historical activity.
This content was taken from a course of cisco.com
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