Hello all. Hope that you are well. Today I’m going to share with you a post in which you may learn about some DOS command. So lets start.
Playing with DOS commands
Tree: If you want to show the files of a directory can use this command. You can have a glimpse of directory of a system through this command.
DEL: If you want to delete a specific file from a directory then can use DEL command. You must need to know the file name and extension of the file you want to delete. Just place the directory path. To go to the directory and after entering the directory, just use DEL <FileName.Extension>
Let in the command promote, I want to delete a file named file1.txt which is on C:\users\Himadri>
So at first I need to go to that directory and type the command DEL file1.txt.
Change directory: Let we want to change our directory. In the command promote. So we can use cd command. Just type cd..
Also can use cd\ command to return from a directory.
Viewing directory: If you want to view a directory then you can use DIR command.
The use of Wildcard: Let you want to search or delete specific type of files, like the only text or only .doc tiles. The in this type of case, you can enter a directory and type the command, for example you can use *.txt. All the text file will appear in you.
Creating new directory: Let you want to create a new directory. You can use MD command to create a directory. Let you want to create a directory named, directory1. Then in the command promote type MD directory1.
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