DOS is called an operating system, which helps your computer to run more and more easily. This DOS or Disk Operating System help your computer by maintaining relationship among computer memory and various types of applications.
DOS: A glimpse
The first Disk Operating System was introduced by IBM and Microsoft jointly on 1980. The Disk Operating System designed by IBM is called PC DOS and the Disk Operating System designed by Microsoft is called MS DOS. One can easily use Disk Operating System by placing it in the hard disk of the computer. The versions of Disk Operating System are updating from its first release. The basic of Disk Operating System system in all the updated system remains almost same. Just new features are added in the latest versions. The updated versions are becoming more user friendly.
The main works of Disk Operating System can be,
>> Controls of the resources of a system
>> Process for the application software
>> Gives control to the user
Generally, Disk Operating System become active as the computer starts functioning. One can use the Disk Operating System command in two ways,
- By using command promot
- By using Disk Operating System shell
Features of Disk Operating System
>> By using DEFRAG command you can increase the performance of your hard disk.
>> Can use SCANDISK to check your disk for fault.
>> Can write protect your disk using command
>> Can use FORMAT command to format your disk.
>> Can use DEL command to delete your disk.
If you think that you need all the command of Disk Operating System system can type help and press enter. So many command will appear and you can take help from it.
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