Hi, hope that you are all well by the grace of almighty and also enjoying computer networking more and more. Today in this post we’ll monitor network by examining the routing IP packet.
Network monitor by examining routing IP packets of a network model
We’ll do this task using the cisco packet tracer latest version. It is recommended to use cisco packet tracer latest version. If you don’t have cisco packet tracer latest version, please search in whilenetworking.com. Hope that you’ll find.
We’ll monitor network which has:
2 PCs
2 Routers
1 Server
1 Switches
You can draw the topology just like the following picture, or you can also download the packet tracer file, which I’m going to share at the last of this post. Here all the elements need to implement the IP address. We’ll implement IP address using this table:
Here we’ve done this simulation virtually using cisco packet tracer. In this packet tracer if you want you can place IP address easily in any device by entering its port. But in the practical case you need to implement IP address by entering router with the help of PC. So like this real life task, we’ll enter router with the help of PC. We can enter router with the help of PC by connecting a console cable between the router and the PC. Here in this network model, we’ve entered R2-central router with the help of PC 1B. After connecting the console cable, we’ll enter the PC and click the desktop tab. Then we need to go to the terminal. A terminal configuration will open. For general case we may keep this configuration. Just click Ok, a window will open. So finally you can able to enter the router CLI that is Command Line Interface. Through this CLI mode you can implement IP address to the router interface. We’ll implement and make the port active of this router. So lets use the following command.
R2-Central#config term
R2-Central#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
R2-Central(config)#int fa0/0
R2-Central(config-if)#ip add
R2-Central(config-if)#ip address
R2-Central(config-if)#no shut
So we’ve implemented IP address and subnet mast to the Fa0/0 port. And also make this port active with the help of command “no shut”. Now we’ll configure default route of the router, to configure default route, just place the command:
R2-Central(config)#ip route
So we’ve configured the default route successfully.
Network monitor
Now we’ll monitor network by examining IP packets of this network model. We’ll check it in the simulation mode. The simulation mode stays at the right bottom of the cisco packet tracer. So in the simulation mode, you’ll find an event list window, now take packet (Close envelope) and send this packet from PC 1A to Eagle_Server. Click the Auto Capture / Play button. You can now be able to see the travel of the packet. The packet will first travel from PC 1A to switch. Then the packet will go to the R2 Central router. After that the pack will go to R1 router and finally the packet will go to Eagle server. The confirmation packet will come back to the PC 1A by using same path. At the first attempt, the packet will not successful. But don’t worry, the packet will be successful at the second attempt.
If you want to configure the second router with the console cable, you can do this in this way. It is very easy way, just have a try.
So we can now be able to monitor network in a very easy and simple way. Monitoring network can help us to realize, how a network works and which packet travels from which way. If a packet become discard, we can check it if we monitor network regularly.
If you want you can download this cisco packet tracer file, which is used here. I think that if you collect it, then it will be helpful for you and also be helpful for your practice. Google drive download link:
Network monitor by examining routing IP packets of a network model packet tracer file
If you want, you can also see this video tutorial to know about the monitor network which is related to this post, it may help you to realize this post more:
So what we’ve learn from this post, lets see:
1. We can now be able to configure router using console cable with the help of PC.
2. We can implement IP address and IP route with the help of console cable using a PC.
3. We can able to monitor network by examining IP packet route.
So hope that you’ve learn something new. Also if you have a network you can able to monitor and configure that network. If you have any kinds of comment of questions about the post, feel free to comment. I’ll try to answer. And many many thanks for your time. Keep visiting and sharing your knowledge. 🙂
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